Richard R. Rowe, P.C. Attorney At Law


I received a disapproval notice on my SSDI claim and decided to look for legal representation to file an appeal. Being that this attorney was close by I decided to make an appointment. I received a telephone consultation by Mr. Rowe in which I was asked about the conditions that were keeping me from working. I then began to explain but kept getting cut-off by him telling me that the conditions I had were not severe enough from keeping me from working. Mind you he never let me fully explain in detail that I am on a bunch of medications which have taken a serious toll on me with their side effects. He never let me explain that I had been certified twice by Suffolk County as being medically unable to work and have the paperwork to prove it. But what really pissed me off was when I began to explain that in addition I also had severe obstructive sleep apnea (without the use of a CPAP on a very high setting I go into respiratory distress), he again cut me off and told me that his brother-in-law also has sleep apnea and works 80 hours a week. IF I WAS ABLE TO WORK I WOULD WORK. YOU THINK I LIKE LIVING LIKE THIS YOU IGNORANT JERK? YOU THINK I'M LOOKING FOR A HAND-OUT? I BUSTED MY BUTT FOR ALMOST 17 YEARS WORKING IN MY CHOSEN PROFESSION AND I WOULD DO DAMN NEAR ANYTHING TO REGAIN MY HEALTH, GO BACK TO WORK AND GET BACK THE ECONOMIC STABILITY I HAD. THIS ATTORNEY WAS COMPLETELY UNPROFESSIONAL WITH ME AND I WOULD NEVER RECOMMEND HIM BASED ON HIS POMPOUS AND DISMISSIVE ATTITUDE WITH WHICH HE TREATED ME. HE WAS VERY CLEAR TO SAY THAT IF HE DOESN'T WIN, HE DOESN'T GET PAID WHICH I UNDERSTAND BUT AT LEAST TAKE THE TIME TO LISTEN TO ALL THE DETAILS AND NOT BE SUCH A PRESUMPTUOUS JACKASS!!!
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