In November 2007 I needed repairs done on my car, so it was towed to a local repair shop. After speaking with the owner he assured me that he would only charge me for the repairs and not for storage since I needed to go out of town and would not be able to pick up the car in a timely manner. Over the next six months I kept in touch with the owner, who continued to assure me that he would not charge me storage fees. Finally in May 2008 I was back in town and wanted to get my car. I spoke to the owner who stated that I could pick up my car anytime. The next week I received a bill in the mail for $5,000. The owner was charging me for the repairs plus storage. I was so upset. I had no idea where I would find the money to get my car back. After a consultation with Rick, I was told that the shop owner was overcharging me and that he also did not follow laws set forth for car storage. Rick spoke to the shop owner telling him about the law and that he was not able to charge me for storage since he did not file the correct paperwork. They came to an agreement that I would be charged for storage only from the time I had received the bill to until I went to get the car from the shop. I only had to pay $600 in order to get my car back. I would highly recommend RA Wright Law Firm to anyone who needs a supportive and professional person on their side.